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I am intuitive. 

Email Support Package 


$79 AUD

If you have found yourself googling "is it normal that my baby..." and then fallen down the rabbit hole of information around baby sleep leaving you feeling even more confused. I got you mama!


Who is this for?

Those needing a little guidance or reassurance around your little ones' sleep but without needing any follow-up support.


What can you expect?

-mini intake form sent to you within 24 hours of booking 

-review of form

-tailored tips/strategies to address your concerns





I am empowered. 

Hourly 1:1 Call




Who is this for?

I am empowered is a great package for families experiencing something such as cat napping, split nights, early rising, sleep regression, nap transitions or if you require guidance with night weaning. If your baby or toddler is still needing some practice with developing independent sleep, we recommend I am supported! This service is available worldwide.


What can you expect?

To feel empowered with knowledge allowing for an individual plan and direction to form. This includes advise in the areas you need and troubleshooting strategies.

  • Review of comprehensive intake form

  • Two 30 minute 1:1 sleep guidance calls, one planning call and one follow up.

  • 2-page document summary covering the key points and focus of our conversation to move forward independently

  • Option to access more supportive follow up services if needed





I am supported.

Two Week Support Package



Who is it for?

If your family is experiencing any issues around sleep but you would prefer to have support as you make changes, this is for you!


What can I expect?

We will create a plan that will compliment and support the uniqueness of your family. Our flexible and tailored support system allows for any adjustments and tweaks along the way, to ensure it remains personal to you.

Support can be provided over regular phone calls or via zoom video calls.


  • A comprehensive intake form will allow me to get to know and assess your personal situation and structure tailored support

  • A unique sleep plan or advice emailed to you that has been designed specifically for your family

  • Any additional handouts complementing our discussion points

  • 2 weeks of contact while implementing changes

  • A final email providing future recommendations and routines for your baby’s growing changes


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